Centro de Sobrevivência de Espécies Brasil

Centro de Sobrevivência de Espécies Brasil

Um centro para impulsionar os esforços de conservação de espécies

We are part of IUCN

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership union composed of both government and civil society organizations. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its more than 1,300 member organizations and the input of more than 15,000 experts.

This diversity and vast expertise makes IUCN the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it.

For more information: www.iucn.org


How IUCN operates

IUCN is a democratic Union that brings together the world’s most influential organisations and top experts
in a combined effort to conserve nature and accelerate the transition to sustainable development.


IUCN Member organisations set the direction of the Union’s work, and global conservation efforts more broadly, every four years at the IUCN World Conservation Congress.



Six IUCN Commissions made up of over ten thousands experts inform IUCN’s knowledge and help produce its work.



The IUCN Secretariat focusses its work on key themes and is organised into 11 operational regions in order to anchor its knowledge locally and better serve Members’ needs.

Themes | Regions